
C/ Santiago 702, Zona Universitaria, República Dominicana

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Publicado: 12/24/2024


Adicción a internet y su relación con sobrepeso y obesidad en adolescentes mexicanos

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Cuevas Acuña MT, Villaseñor Godinez R, Romano Sánchez M Ángel. Adicción a internet y su relación con sobrepeso y obesidad en adolescentes mexicanos. ADOPA. 2024;2(3):7-19. Disponible en:


Introduction: Aproximately 33% of users between 12 and 16 years of age are at high risk for compulsive use of digital services; adolescents with a high body mass index may have a reduced prefrontal cortex and difficulty in inhibiting impulsive behavior and risk of develo- ping addiction. The objective of this study was to investigate whether there is an association between Internet addiction and the presence of overweight or obesity in adolescents.

Methods: Quantitative observational cross-sectional study. High school  students,  both sexes, between 15 and 18 years of age were included. A general data questionnaire and the Internet addiction test were administered, and they were weighed and measured to obtain the body mass index and to classify their weight level. Descriptive analysis was performed, Mann Whitney U, Pearson’s X2, and significance was considered with p less than .05.

Results: 284 adolescents were included, 160 females and 124 males, age between 15 and 18 years, 35.5% (101) presented some degree of overweight or obesity, 61.3% (174) reported waking up during sleep to check their cell phone, the average number of hours of sleep was 7 hours, and time spent on the Internet was 5 hours, females performed less physical activity than males (p.001); using the IAT scale, 52.2% (150), 35.2% (100) mild addiction and 12% (34) moderate addiction. No relationship was found between Internet addiction and the varia- bles studied.

Conclusions: We found no relationship between Internet addiction and the presence of overweight or obesity in adolescents.


Introduction: Aproximately 33% of users between 12 and 16 years of age are at high risk for compulsive use of digital services; adolescents with a high body mass index may have a reduced prefrontal cortex and difficulty in inhibiting impulsive behavior and risk of develo- ping addiction. The objective of this study was to investigate whether there is an association between Internet addiction and the presence of overweight or obesity in adolescents.

Methods: Quantitative observational cross-sectional study. High school  students,  both sexes, between 15 and 18 years of age were included. A general data questionnaire and the Internet addiction test were administered, and they were weighed and measured to obtain the body mass index and to classify their weight level. Descriptive analysis was performed, Mann Whitney U, Pearson’s X2, and significance was considered with p less than .05.

Results: 284 adolescents were included, 160 females and 124 males, age between 15 and 18 years, 35.5% (101) presented some degree of overweight or obesity, 61.3% (174) reported waking up during sleep to check their cell phone, the average number of hours of sleep was 7 hours, and time spent on the Internet was 5 hours, females performed less physical activity than males (p.001); using the IAT scale, 52.2% (150), 35.2% (100) mild addiction and 12% (34) moderate addiction. No relationship was found between Internet addiction and the varia- bles studied.

Conclusions: We found no relationship between Internet addiction and the presence of overweight or obesity in adolescents.


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