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Publicado: 12/24/2024


Detección de hipotiroidismo en pacientes con síndrome de Down en un hospital pediátrico de referencia de la República Dominicana, enero 2019 - enero 2024

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De los Santos Tapia BA, Morales MM, Pilier Matos MA, Herrera Brito LY, Morales González MC. Detección de hipotiroidismo en pacientes con síndrome de Down en un hospital pediátrico de referencia de la República Dominicana, enero 2019 - enero 2024. ADOPA. 2024;2(3):37-49. Disponible en:


Introduction: Hypothyroidism is the most common endocrinopathy in patients with Down Syndrome, with an estimated prevalence of 30 to 40%. A timely diagnosis must be made, otherwise the patient will experience greater intellectual disability, growth retardation, and cardiovascular complications.

Objective: The purpose of this research was to establish the detection of hypothyroidism in patients with Down Syndrome in the Genetics Unit of the Dr. Robert Reid Cabral Pediatric Hospital, January 2019 January 2024.

Material and method: The type of study carried out was descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional, with a population of 291 patients. The technique used in the research was a data recording form that contained the variables, managed by the researchers of this study and used in those patients who met the inclusion criteria.

Conclusions: Hypothyroidism was detected in 35 patients of the 291 with Down syndrome studied (12.02%). All cases ranged in age from 6 months to 5 years. Congenital hypothyroidism was the most common type diagnosed with 18 cases (51.43%). The main clinical manifestations were: macroglossia with 24 cases (68.57%) and fontanelles larger than 5 mm in 8 cases (22.86%) and asymptomatic in 9 cases (25.71%). 30 patients (85.71%) did not have a family history of thyroid disease and only 5 patients (14.29%) had a family history of thyroid disease. The most frequent sex was male, in 22 patients (62.86%).


Introduction: Hypothyroidism is the most common endocrinopathy in patients with Down Syndrome, with an estimated prevalence of 30 to 40%. A timely diagnosis must be made, otherwise the patient will experience greater intellectual disability, growth retardation, and cardiovascular complications.

Objective: The purpose of this research was to establish the detection of hypothyroidism in patients with Down Syndrome in the Genetics Unit of the Dr. Robert Reid Cabral Pediatric Hospital, January 2019 January 2024.

Material and method: The type of study carried out was descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional, with a population of 291 patients. The technique used in the research was a data recording form that contained the variables, managed by the researchers of this study and used in those patients who met the inclusion criteria.

Conclusions: Hypothyroidism was detected in 35 patients of the 291 with Down syndrome studied (12.02%). All cases ranged in age from 6 months to 5 years. Congenital hypothyroidism was the most common type diagnosed with 18 cases (51.43%). The main clinical manifestations were: macroglossia with 24 cases (68.57%) and fontanelles larger than 5 mm in 8 cases (22.86%) and asymptomatic in 9 cases (25.71%). 30 patients (85.71%) did not have a family history of thyroid disease and only 5 patients (14.29%) had a family history of thyroid disease. The most frequent sex was male, in 22 patients (62.86%).


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