Introduction: Menarche is an indicator of sexual maturity in girls, which is influenced by genetics and environment. Its appearance will produce major changes in women and could place them at risk related to their reproductive and general health. So, identifying factors that could affect it would be useful for the woman’s future. We studied the anthropometric variables related to it in schoolchildren from the city of Santo Domingo.
Material and methods: In a group of 990 students, 505 from private schools and 485 from public schools, we studied the anthropometric variables weight, height and body mass index to relate it to the age of onset of menarche. These variables were obtained following the usual methods, they were expressed in means and standard deviations in kg and centimeters. The age of menarche was obtained by the status quo method with prior informed consent from the parents or guardians via the teachers of the centers studied.
Results: The age of menarche considered when 50% already have menstruation is between 11-12 years (11.4 years) but is earlier in private schools (11.2 years) than in public centers (11.8 years). At the age of menarche (11-12 years) we observed an average weight of 32 kg total:
32.5 kg for private ones vs. 31.5 kg. for the public ones. An average height of 138.2 cm for the entire group; 139 cm (private) vs. 137.5 cm (public) and a BMI of 16.68 overall; 16.75 (private) vs. 16.61 (public).
Conclusions: The age of menarche appears advanced in relation to previous national observations and is mainly influenced by external factors, which explains the differences in the groups studied. Identifying the anthropometric dimensions at which we expect menarche to occur is important in order to reduce health risks related to it.
Introduction: Menarche is an indicator of sexual maturity in girls, which is influenced by genetics and environment. Its appearance will produce major changes in women and could place them at risk related to their reproductive and general health. So, identifying factors that could affect it would be useful for the woman’s future. We studied the anthropometric variables related to it in schoolchildren from the city of Santo Domingo.
Material and methods: In a group of 990 students, 505 from private schools and 485 from public schools, we studied the anthropometric variables weight, height and body mass index to relate it to the age of onset of menarche. These variables were obtained following the usual methods, they were expressed in means and standard deviations in kg and centimeters. The age of menarche was obtained by the status quo method with prior informed consent from the parents or guardians via the teachers of the centers studied.
Results: The age of menarche considered when 50% already have menstruation is between 11-12 years (11.4 years) but is earlier in private schools (11.2 years) than in public centers (11.8 years). At the age of menarche (11-12 years) we observed an average weight of 32 kg total:
32.5 kg for private ones vs. 31.5 kg. for the public ones. An average height of 138.2 cm for the entire group; 139 cm (private) vs. 137.5 cm (public) and a BMI of 16.68 overall; 16.75 (private) vs. 16.61 (public).
Conclusions: The age of menarche appears advanced in relation to previous national observations and is mainly influenced by external factors, which explains the differences in the groups studied. Identifying the anthropometric dimensions at which we expect menarche to occur is important in order to reduce health risks related to it.
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