Palliative Care (PC), is the set of actions and tools that seek relief from symptoms and suffering of patients and their families to diseases that threaten their lives. This support includes different types of resources covering the clinical, socio-economic, emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects. Due to increasing life expectancy of humans and the fact that chronic diseases account for 60% of premature death, mainly due to cardiovascular diseases, neurological and malignant tumors; has been the global need to create, implement, and enhance knowledge and PC local programs. In pediatrics, there are four main reasons why it can and should receive pediatric palliative care (PPC): Cancer, Cystic fibrosis, Metabolic or Mitochondrial and/or Progressive Muscle Diseases and Neurological Disorders. In this article we analyze synthetically the definition, types and basic definitions on the CPP matter. To carry out this scientific article, a systematic review of documents issued and published by scientific societies, national and international institutions, as well as world-renowned non-governmental organizations dedicated to palliative care research has been carried out. It is of the utmost importance that everyone who works in the health area and is able to offer assistance to patients facing life-threatening illnesses understands the basic concepts of the palliative approach, so that they can provide better care focused on health. improvement of the quality of life and comprehensive support, whether adults or children